Open communication and control of your process
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One Day Divorce

Wondering if the issues of your separation can be resolved during a one day session?

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STEP ONE: You and your spouse decide that you want to engage in the One Day Divorce process. One of you retains Richard Pollock (Evans Pollock Family Law) and the other retains Kimberly Soul (Bennet Waugh Corne). Each of you provides your lawyer with a retainer of $4,995.00 flat fee (plus taxes) to cover all legal fees (time spent by your lawyer) associated with the One Day Divorce, including negotiating and drafting a Separation Agreement and drafting divorce documents (if applicable) and disbursements (such as photocopying or filing fees for the divorce). Each of you signs a retainer letter with your lawyer. If you do not require a divorce the flat fee is $4,500.00 (plus taxes).

STEP TWO (A): You and your spouse schedule and then meet with your coach to work on communication, day to day concerns and a parenting plan (if applicable). Kim and Richard will arrange for a coach to assist you. The fees associated with the coach are paid directly to the coach. On average a coach’s hourly rate is $150/hour and the coach will be used for as much or as little as needed by you and your spouse.

STEP TWO (B): Each of you provides the required financial disclosure to your lawyer (a list of what we need will be provided to you). The date for the One Day Divorce is not scheduled until the lawyers have all the required financial disclosure.

STEP THREE: Kim and Richard review the disclosure and draft a Family Property Act Accounting (document to assist with property division), create child and spousal support calculations (if applicable) and prepare the file for the one day meeting.

STEP FOUR: You meet with your lawyer to discuss the draft Family Property Act Accounting and support calculations.

STEP FIVE: The lawyers and clients (and coach if determined by the lawyers/coach that the coach’s presence would help resolve matters) attend a one day collaborative meeting commencing at 9am and ending no later than 5pm (break for lunch, individual lawyer/client meetings and at any other time the clients need) with the end goal of finalizing a Separation Agreement and divorce documents (if applicable, noting that if you have been separated for one year we can finalize divorce documents however if one year has not lapsed we will prepare and file all documents we are permitted to and schedule a meeting to sign the final document at the requisite time). Should it not be possible to sign an Agreement by 5pm, everyone will return on another date to review and sign the Separation Agreement and divorce documents.

a) During the One Day Divorce process you will receive independent legal advice separate from your spouse.

b) You will receive the workbook Our Family In Two Homes. These workbooks are a valuable resource designed to help you process your thoughts, analyze what is important to you and reach clarity on how you want to proceed with decision making. This tool can help you achieve effective and healthy communication with the other party. You can learn more HERE

b) You will have every opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

c) The one day negotiation will result in converting your family settlement into a formally drafted Separation Agreement.

From the time you sign the retainer to the signing of the Separation Agreement and granting of a Divorce (if applicable) you will be charged no other legal fees.